Achados offbrand + Concerto de Inverno
Offbrand finds + Winter Concert
Now about the concert: every semester ending the Teatro Carlos Gomes does a recital where the students show what they learned. This year I returned to have singing classes - I was rusty - and I realized one of my wishes that was sing Part of Your World.I got of the tune in a part of music and changed the intonation of my voice - it was jitters fault. But I liked the result in the end. The concert had another wonderful presentation! I'm anxious for the next concert!
Para finalizar, alguns outfits que usei peças offbrand:
To finish, some outfits that I used offbrand stuff:
O tema do mês do AFLBN é Achados offbrand (itens que não são de grife). Aproveitei e juntei com outro post que estou atrasada para fazer: o concerto de inverno do Teatro Carlos Gomes. O outfit foi todo que usei era offbrand.
Offbrand finds is this month's theme for AFLBN. I joined this post with another (that is also late to do): the winter concert of Teatro Carlos Gomes. All the outfit I dresses was offbrand.
Offbrand finds is this month's theme for AFLBN. I joined this post with another (that is also late to do): the winter concert of Teatro Carlos Gomes. All the outfit I dresses was offbrand.
Seja em lolita, dolly-kei e vários estilos j-fashion dá para achar muita coisa offbrand legal, mesmo em lojas nacionais. Você pode achar itens divinos em lojas de departamento, brechós, lojas de bairro e marcas locais. As vezes uma pequena customização já deixa o item bem mais j-fashion. Acho interessante o uso de peças sem serem de grifes pois fica mais inusitado e é divertido ver as pessoas reagirem ao saber que tal item é offbrand.
You can find a lot of cool offbrand stuff for lolilta, dolly-kei and general j-fashion, even in regular stores. You can find divine stuff on department stores,thrift stores, neighborhood stores and local brands. Sometimes the item just need a customization to look more j-fashion.I like when the people use offbrand stuff because the outfit looks more unusual and it is funny to see the people expression when they know the item is offbrand.
You can find a lot of cool offbrand stuff for lolilta, dolly-kei and general j-fashion, even in regular stores. You can find divine stuff on department stores,thrift stores, neighborhood stores and local brands. Sometimes the item just need a customization to look more j-fashion.I like when the people use offbrand stuff because the outfit looks more unusual and it is funny to see the people expression when they know the item is offbrand.
De itens nacionais que destaco eu tenho casaco, saia, sapatos e alguns acessórios. Dos internacionais são blusas e meias.
Mine national favorite stuff are the coat, skirt, shoes and some acessories. The international stuff are blouses and socks.
Agora sobre o concerto: todo final de semestre o Teatro Carlos Gomes faz um recital onde os alunos mostram o que aprenderam durante o semestre. Este ano eu voltei a ter aulas - estava meio enferrujada - e realizei um dos meus desejos que era cantar Part of your World. Desafinei em uma parte e alterei entonação da voz - culpa do nervosismo. Mas até que o resultado final foi bom. Teve outras apresentações maravilhosas! Ansiosa para o recital do final do ano!
Meu outfit resolvi fazer algo meio princesa - mas infelizmente não tinha nada nas cores da Ariel. Estreiei minha blusa nova que comprei no AliExpress.
I wanted something princess like for my outfit - but unfortunatelly I did not have nothing in the Ariel colors. I had debuted my new blouse from Aliexpress.
I wanted something princess like for my outfit - but unfortunatelly I did not have nothing in the Ariel colors. I had debuted my new blouse from Aliexpress.
Hairclip: Chocomint
Blusa/Blouse: Aliexpress
Saia/Skirt: Renner
Meia/Tights: Bodyline
Sapato/Shoes: Moleca
Para finalizar, alguns outfits que usei peças offbrand:
Até mais!
See ya!
ResponderExcluirOffbrand. Gostei do termo!! Parabéns pelo recital. Devo imaginar o nervosismo. Se bem que para essas coisas eu tenho efeito retardado. rsrsrsrs
Curti o outfit mais roqueiro, com a saia vermelha. Ficou muito bom, assim como todos os outros!! ^^
Até mais
Obrigadinha :***